Company overview

History of Inenviro


The History – IES was founded in the year 2010 with a vision of pursuing Environmental Studies, Engineering, Manufacturing & Construction of ECO-friendly Infrastructure in India; with an advisory board of members from renowned Environmental Research Centre, with rich experience in Environmental Engineering. By combining a unique blend of engineering, environmental and construction professionals, IES advisers have helped effectively to guide projects throughout the environmental process while promoting a general awareness of the environment from project “conception” through “completion”. We have a proven track record of managing a business and have helped industries, with respect to waste management, recycling of contaminated water from textile to metal manufacturing industries and help them to move in the right direction on disposal of Solid waste and contaminated water.

Mission Statement – CLEAN Environment


IES is working to provide valuable products and services required for CLEAN Environment. Being an Indian company, we are concerned about the current Waste, Water, Air Pollution & Energy problem and hence with our committed approach towards improving the ecosystem.

Products and Services


  • Environmental Management Strategy & Vision
  • Waste Treatment at source without segregation
  • Air Pollution Monitoring
  • Environmental Assessments
  • Community Awareness & Outreach
  • Project Management & Waste Water Treatment

A group of Environmental Engineers, Architects, and Technocrats at Inenviro are working together to build a safer, more environmentally sound and growing society. With our wide range of products and expertise in Solid Waste Management, Wastewater treatment and Ambient Air Monitoring and Dust Control, we can always put together teams with the necessary specialized skills and work towards cost-effective solutions for benefit of Society and Industries. The strategy of Inenviro’s team is to achieve a sustainable Pollution free society, with healthier air and purer water, attractive and functional living and working environments, efficient MSW solutions, safer and cleaner energy.